Sunday, April 22, 2012

You know, I could start by saying how long it has been, but you know.

As always, I am keeping myself busy. T-ball season has begun; school is almost out; taking a cake decorating class; doing an online gardening & landscaping course (sci - at your own pace); doing extra stuff for AP Calculus; listening to an audio Bible in the mornings; and more.
The audio Bible is awesome. I have learned so much and this is the furthest I have made it through the Bible. I'm starting Numbers tomorrow.

As for that 5K, I did walk one in Nov. 2010. I received a trophy for last trotter in. (My 3 year old was proud.) I am planning, as of this minute, to attempt that again in July, but not be last. :)

My biggest iron is to think about what God wants., Isn't that what really matters? Burnt toast, waiting in line, eating chocolate, those are not the things to concern ourselves......

Our church is planning a mission adventure to Thailand. I am praying about going. Your best friend should be the spouse. I am praying about that too.

Would love any wise Christian woman advice...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

One less iron....

As part of my description, I mentioned having too many irons in the fire. Well, as of yesterday, I have one less iron. My reign as "Cheer Coach" has come to an end. I haven't noticed any extra time on my hands yet, but should this summer when I don't have practice all the time!!

Now I have one less excuse for spending quality time with God. He and I have been talking about children. I will share this with you in blogs to come.

I am thinking of running a 5K this summer. Any pointers?


Ok, any suggestions on how to get a toddler to go to bed by himself??? What about a dog who gets up 2-3 times in the night to eat dog biscuits?? When do I get to sleep through the night again? One more question, when will I get used to the time change? I hate getting out of bed when it's dark.....

Sunday, November 1, 2009


We had fun trick-or-treating. It was the stopping of the candy eating that was not fun.....Sweet Pea, not me. I have limited myself on indulging in the sweets. This is the best photo of him I could catch. (Papaw too!) The full length is with my cousin.
Let me tell you about her. She is a child of God who has been called to minister in Romania in December. Thus, the costume. For trunk or treat at her church, they decorated the truck to resemble that of an old gypsy wagon to bring awareness to her cause. Please pray for her journey and her mission work. God has great things in store for her.
Ok, so my last post said I would have pictures by the end of the week. I did I think.....forward 3 1/2 months. I am still down those 2 pounds, if that counts. However, I have a new found motivation. Prom.

Yes, you read right. The big P word. Being a junior homeroom teacher, I not only get to plan prom, but chaperone as well. Yippeee! (insert sarcasm here) My consultant suggested making a storyboard/picture board to give me a visual of what I like and my goals, etc. I like this....I always did like paper dolls and scrapbooking. :)

Anyone like to join me in my efforts to lose a few pounds? I could always use a buddy considering the hubby is 5' 10" and weighs maybe 135 soaking wet......Me, well, not so much.